Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Item Spotlight: Saggy Boob Slouchie Beanie

Boobie Beanie - Saggy Natural Slouchie Beanie, Adult Sizes (made to order, ships in 7-14 days)

Boobie, Breast, ta ta, melon, gazonga - yay! They come in all different shapes and sizes, so why shouldn't clothing items based on these wonderful life giving body parts be just as unique? That is why we came up with our unique take on the boobie beanie - saggy, natural and all slouchie!

Whether you are a lactivist, a free the boobie idealist or just appreciate the beauty of this gorgeous part the human body in all its natural glory - this unique item may be what sets you apart and gets the tongues wagging!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Introducing the X in M3PX!

Yay! I have finally gotten over my fear and the bumpy road to finally open up a 3rd arm of my small business - this one catering to my cheeky, kinky and sick sense of humor (because we all need an outlet right?)!

The name of my new "shop" is M3PXDesigns (found here: which means "My 3 Pieces X Designs", the X standing for those things that are a little further in "left field", a bit cheeky, a tad kinky and down right naughtier then the usual fair I offer at my 1st "shop" My3Pieces (at